Revolutionary New Regulations: Medical Device Complaints Must Be Resolved in Just 90 Days!

Ayushi Singh


New Regulations for Ethical Marketing in Medical Devices

In a significant move to enhance ethical standards within the medical devices sector, the central government has introduced the Uniform Code for Marketing Practices in Medical Devices (UCMPMD) 2024. This initiative aims to curb unethical marketing practices that have plagued the industry, ensuring that healthcare professionals are not subjected to undue influence or deceptive tactics by medical device companies.


Formation of Ethics Committees

Under this new framework, medical device associations are mandated to establish Ethics Committees dedicated to overseeing compliance with these regulations. Each committee will consist of three to five members and will be chaired by the association’s chief executive officer (CEO). These committees are tasked with addressing any complaints regarding violations of the code within a strict timeframe of 90 days from receipt.

The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) issued a notification on September 6, 2024, instructing associations to create these committees and set up specialized portals on their websites for reporting grievances related to marketing practices.

Complaint Mechanism and Transparency Requirements

The newly formed ethics committees will serve as a platform for member companies to report any infractions against UCMPMD. The code stipulates clear guidelines concerning claims made about products and outlines acceptable interactions between healthcare professionals and medical representatives. Notably, it prohibits offering gifts, financial incentives, or hospitality—such as overseas trips—to healthcare providers or their families.

An industry expert emphasized that “the primary goal of this code is to eliminate conflicts of interest,” ensuring decisions regarding medical devices are made based on merit rather than external inducements.

Moreover, transparency is paramount under UCMPMD; companies must fully disclose details about evaluation samples distributed for hands-on experience with devices. They must also report expenses related to continuing medical education (CME), including costs incurred during conferences and workshops.

Ongoing Reporting Obligations

According to DoP guidelines, all relevant particulars must be updated regularly on the UCPMP portal. Companies are required to submit this information within two months following each financial year’s conclusion alongside self-declarations from their executive heads.

Consequences for Non-Compliance

Entities found in violation of UCMPMD face serious repercussions which may include suspension or expulsion from their respective medical device associations. Additional penalties can involve public reprimands and mandates requiring violators to retrieve funds or items improperly given under these regulations.

An industry analyst noted that “these stringent norms aim not only at promoting transparency but also at safeguarding healthcare personnel from manipulative practices while protecting patient interests.”

By implementing such comprehensive measures through UCMPMD 2024, stakeholders hope not only to foster an environment rooted in integrity but also ensure that patients receive care based solely on quality rather than coercive marketing tactics prevalent in past practices.

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