Reflecting on Change: How the Pandemic Transformed My Identity

Sachin Dangi


Reflecting on the Past: The Covid Inquiry Enters a New Phase

A Deep Dive into the Pandemic’s Impact

The public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic is set to commence a significant phase of hearings, spanning ten weeks, starting Monday. This inquiry aims to scrutinize the effects of the pandemic on patients, healthcare professionals, and the broader National Health Service (NHS).

Since its onset in 2020, over one million hospital admissions due to Covid have been recorded in the UK. Additionally, many individuals have faced interruptions in their treatment for various other health issues.


The third phase of this inquiry will focus on several critical areas: examining how NHS staff were affected during this crisis; assessing mask and personal protective equipment (PPE) usage within hospitals; evaluating policies designed to protect vulnerable populations; and investigating long Covid treatment protocols. For the first time, testimonies from more than 30,000 healthcare workers, patients, and their families will be included as part of this evidence.

Personal Accounts from Healthcare Workers

BBC News has gathered insights from some individuals directly impacted by these events.

Mandi Masters, a community midwife based in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire shared her harrowing experience: “It was absolutely dreadful. We were desperately searching for masks and gloves.” During those early days when information about Covid was scarce—she described it as “working in darkness”—the virus rapidly spread from China through Italy before reaching British shores.

Eventually contracting Covid herself while at work led Mandi to spend three weeks hospitalized with oxygen support. She recalls her husband having to leave her at Accident & Emergency: “He had to turn around and walk away.” At that moment when reports surfaced about healthcare professionals succumbing to the virus around her she felt too unwell to process it all.

Reflecting on those times now at age 62—having returned part-time but still grappling with breathlessness after short walks—she admits she mourns “the person I was before Covid.” Every cold or chest infection leaves her feeling utterly depleted.

Investigating Treatments and Backlogs

The upcoming segment of the public inquiry will delve deeply into how healthcare workers coped during these challenging times while also addressing:

  • Diagnosis and management strategies for both acute Covid cases and long-term effects.
  • The role of PPE in infection control within medical facilities.
  • Policies aimed at shielding high-risk groups.
  • Utilization patterns concerning GPs, ambulances, and NHS helplines.
  • Care provided during maternity periods as well as end-of-life situations.
  • Staffing challenges faced by NHS including reliance on private hospitals or temporary facilities like Nightingale sites.

This investigation must also consider how these factors contributed significantly to increased delays across various medical services—a direct consequence stemming from pandemic-related disruptions.

Lynda Ross from Portadown experienced firsthand such delays when her spinal surgery scheduled for early 2020 was canceled due to lockdown measures. By the time she could consult with specialists again regarding treatment options it became evident that it was too late for intervention. Lynda expressed deep frustration stating: “I now endure pain comparable with someone battling terminal cancer,” adding that it feels like much of her life has been irrevocably altered.

Witnesses Set To Share Their Stories

Over fifty witnesses are anticipated over this ten-week period—including scientists alongside medical experts—as well as politicians who played roles throughout this crisis response journey.

Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice UK represents over 7 thousand relatives who have lost loved ones during this period; they express concern regarding representation within these proceedings noting only two out of twenty-three proposed witnesses have been called thus far. Spokesperson Rivka Gottlieb emphasized that without input reflecting ordinary families’ experiences there’s a risk inquiries may overlook crucial lessons learned throughout past mistakes made amid chaos surrounding initial responses towards managing outbreaks effectively.

To facilitate broader participation among citizens wishing share their narratives related directly or indirectly affected by COVID impacts—the inquiry has launched an initiative titled Every Story Matters, allowing online contributions alongside hosting numerous face-to-face events across towns nationwide thus far gathering diverse perspectives into consideration moving forward through documentation efforts totaling over two hundred pages compiled containing accounts submitted anonymously where necessary ensuring voices resonate even if not formally presented under courtroom settings deemed intimidating by many participants involved previously engaged elsewhere along similar lines historically speaking!

This public inquiry stands poised potentially becoming one among most costly legal undertakings ever witnessed divided strategically across nine distinct sections each focusing separately upon witness testimonies leading ultimately toward comprehensive findings reported thereafter accordingly! Baroness Hallett chairs proceedings already having collected evidence pertaining specifically towards planning phases undertaken prior political decisions made earlier down road ahead future segments anticipated covering vaccine distribution efforts care sector responses testing tracing initiatives economic ramifications children’s welfare etcetera!

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