Trump vs. Harris: A Deep Dive into Their Divergent Views on Education, Student Loans, and Sexuality in the Classroom

Mahi Shandilya


On the evening of September 9, a significant political event took ⁣place ‍as former President Donald Trump and Vice President ⁣Kamala Harris engaged in their first presidential debate,‍ organized by ‌ABC News in Philadelphia. Over the ‍course of 90 minutes, they tackled a range of topics including ‍economic policies, trade disputes, and reproductive rights.⁢ While education was ⁤not ‍a primary focus during this debate,⁣ Trump did address⁣ student loans and referenced the ‌Supreme Court’s decision to block Biden’s loan forgiveness initiative.

Let’s explore the⁣ differing perspectives of Trump and Harris on several critical issues related to ​education in America.


Addressing Student Loan Debt

The⁣ escalating costs associated‌ with higher education have led to an alarming increase in‌ student loan debt across⁤ the United States. ⁢Recent statistics indicate that college tuition has more than doubled over the last forty years. Consequently, student loan debt has surged⁣ by 66% within just ten years, reaching an astonishing total exceeding $1.74 trillion‌ according⁤ to data from⁣ the Federal Reserve. With Biden’s​ plan for student loan forgiveness​ halted by the Supreme Court, many are left⁤ wondering: ‍Should there be government ‌intervention to alleviate this​ burden?

Kamala Harris’s Position:
Vice President Harris reaffirmed ⁤her dedication alongside ⁢President Biden towards enhancing debt⁤ relief initiatives ⁢for borrowers. She​ envisions a ⁢scenario where public service workers ⁢can thrive without ​being weighed down⁢ by educational ⁢debts. Although she did not elaborate on specific proposals for her potential presidency,‍ she pointed out last year’s three-part strategy from the Biden administration that included provisions for forgiving up to $20,000 for federal student loan holders.

Donald Trump’s Position:
In contrast, former President⁣ Trump criticized ⁢what he perceives as misleading promises⁣ made by ​the​ current‍ administration regarding student loan cancellation ‍efforts​ aimed at graduates. He commended the‌ Supreme Court’s decision against Biden’s plan as it would have been “unjust” toward ‌those who diligently‍ repaid their‍ loans through hard‌ work.

Curriculum Controversies:‌ Race and Gender Education

Another‍ contentious⁢ topic within American education is determining when ⁤students should be ‌introduced to discussions surrounding sexuality and gender identity. Reports suggest that while‍ there is broad‌ consensus among educators about addressing racism in schools as essential; ‌opinions diverge significantly regarding LGBTQ+ topics—some educators feel these discussions should be excluded ⁣from school curricula altogether.

Kamala ⁣Harris’⁤ Stance:

Harris has consistently opposed any ‌attempts aimed at restricting ⁢how race is taught within educational institutions; ‍she labels advocates⁣ of such measures as‍ extremists unwilling to confront America’s complete historical narrative. Furthermore,⁣ she has condemned bans on literature reflecting LGBTQ+ experiences along with⁤ laws limiting classroom discourse⁣ around these​ subjects.

Donald Trump’s Stance:

Trump advocates for eliminating​ what ⁣he terms “critical ‍race ⁣theory,” which ⁢examines how⁤ systemic racism influences laws and‍ societal​ structures rather than viewing race solely through biological lenses. On matters concerning sexuality education in schools—while he hasn’t ‌specified an ⁢age limit—he has pledged to withdraw federal funding​ from institutions promoting ‌what he describes as “transgender insanity.”

The Debate Surrounding Transgender ⁢Students

The rights of transgender students ⁣remain⁢ highly ‌debated across various‌ platforms in‍ America today. ‌Recently, a new rule proposed by Biden aimed at safeguarding students against discrimination based on gender identity faced temporary suspension from ‌the ‌US Supreme⁤ Court; ongoing discussions also revolve around bathroom​ access and participation in⁤ sports‍ teams appropriate for transgender individuals.

Kamala Harris’s Perspective:

Harris stands firmly against state legislation⁢ denying transgender individuals access to bathrooms corresponding‌ with⁢ their identified gender—a stance she argues constitutes discrimination based on gender‌ identity itself.⁤ The current administration⁢ under Biden-Harris has implemented regulations prohibiting discrimination based⁤ on gender identity ⁢within schools but remains silent regarding transgender athletes’ participation rules.

Donald Trump’s Perspective:
During his presidency term previously held officeholders rolled back protections‌ allowing transgender students​ bathroom access aligned with their identified ⁣genders; at‌ a campaign rally held last year he ‍declared‍ intentions “to ban men from⁢ women’s sports,” explicitly targeting ⁣restrictions against transgender women ​competing alongside cisgender women‌ athletes.

Proposals Regarding Educational ‍Governance

A significant point of contention lies within discussions about ⁤dismantling or maintaining control over educational governance via federal oversight—the U.S Department of Education⁤ specifically faces scrutiny here—with‌ Trump advocating‍ its closure while Harris defends its‍ existence vigorously amidst concerns over⁣ equity disparities affecting ‌marginalized ‌communities nationwide.

Donald ‌Trump’s ⁤Views:
Recently discussing his vision during‌ an interview with Elon Musk—a billionaire entrepreneur—Trump reiterated plans​ focused on abolishing this department entirely stating “I want to close‌ up” emphasizing localizing educational management⁢ back ‍into state ‍hands ⁤arguing‌ no ‌constitutional ‍basis exists ⁤supporting federal involvement⁣ therein.

Kamala ⁢Harris’s Views:

In response during her speech at Democratic Convention events earlier this year Harsis firmly stated ​opposition​ towards any efforts aiming toward eliminating⁢ vital funding ​provided ​through⁣ said department asserting “We ⁤are ⁢not going let him eliminate” crucial support‍ systems necessary sustaining public schooling infrastructure ⁢throughout America.”

This⁣ ongoing dialogue between two prominent political figures ⁣highlights stark contrasts shaping future policies impacting American youth today—from financial⁣ burdens tied⁢ directly into higher learning opportunities down ​through fundamental rights concerning personal identities reflected upon school grounds themselves—all warranting continued attention moving forward into​ upcoming electoral cycles ahead!

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