Royal Rivalry: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton – Who Captures the Crown of Popularity?

Albert Maxwell


The Ongoing Tension Between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton

The rivalry between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton has captured public attention for several years. The origins of this discord are often debated, with some suggesting that the tension was present from the very beginning, while others believe it escalated during the planning stages of Meghan’s wedding.


Recent surveys reveal a stark contrast in popularity between the two duchesses, with Kate clearly leading in favorability among UK citizens.

A Closer Look at Royal Popularity

A recent survey conducted by Ipsos highlights that Kate Middleton enjoys significant support within the UK. An impressive 66% of participants expressed positive feelings towards her, while only 10% held an unfavorable view. This favorable perception is likely bolstered by her resilience during her health challenges, which has resonated deeply with many people.

In comparison, Prince William also ranks highly in public opinion, boasting a favorability rating of 65%, alongside a modest unfavorability rate of 13%. Princess Anne follows closely behind with a favorable score of 62% and just 9% disapproving. King Charles III also maintains respectable numbers despite his own health struggles; he holds a favorability rating of 56%.

However, Harry and Meghan’s standings tell a different story altogether.

Disappointing Ratings for Harry and Meghan

Only about 28% of respondents view Prince Harry positively, while an alarming 46% have negative opinions about him. Meanwhile, Meghan’s ratings are even lower—only 21% express favorable views toward her compared to an unfavorable rating from over half (53%) of those surveyed. The only royal faring worse is Prince Andrew; merely 10% hold him in good regard versus an overwhelming majority who do not.

This data suggests that across the Atlantic Ocean, Will and Kate’s popularity continues to rise as Harry and Meghan experience increasing disfavor among British citizens.

Public Sentiment Towards the Monarchy

Despite these contrasting fortunes within royal circles, overall sentiment towards the monarchy remains relatively stable. Only about one-quarter (23%) believe it would be beneficial for Britain if the monarchy were abolished. In fact, nearly half (44%) think that eliminating this institution would negatively impact their country.

Gideon Skinner from Ipsos commented on these findings: “This recent poll illustrates how enduringly popular the Royal Family remains.” He noted that more than half of Britons feel King Charles is fulfilling his duties effectively while indicating minimal support for abolishing royalty altogether—signifying some stability in their image amidst ongoing changes.

While this survey did not specifically address opinions on royals relocating to America or stepping back from their roles entirely—a topic likely to provoke strong reactions—it certainly reflects current dynamics within Britain’s royal family landscape as they navigate both personal challenges and public perceptions alike.

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