Why It’s Time to Write In Your Choice: Rejecting Trump and Harris

Albert Maxwell


If former President⁣ Donald Trump experiences a significant decline in his polling numbers ‍following his controversial debate performance on September 10, it may be time for disillusioned voters to initiate a coordinated write-in campaign with ​genuine intent.

Recent polling data​ suggests that‍ approximately 20 to ⁢25 million individuals are eager ‌to participate in the‌ electoral process but are understandably disenchanted with the candidates presented by both major political parties. If these voters choose not to​ cast their ballots or opt for ‌whimsical write-ins like fictional characters, their dissatisfaction ‍will lack clarity and impact. In contrast, if a ⁣substantial⁢ number of these ​voters unite behind⁣ a single write-in candidate, it could yield several positive outcomes.


While ‍this⁣ scenario might seem improbable at first glance, consider the potential implications of either a Trump-Vance administration or a Harris-Walz administration posing serious risks to our constitutional framework. If‍ one believes ‍that such outcomes could‌ threaten democratic norms—an argument supported by​ various analyses—then pursuing an unconventional strategy‌ is preferable to⁣ passively accepting what appears inevitable.

The primary goal of this initiative would not necessarily be for an alternative candidate to secure victory through congressional intervention (though that ​would certainly be an appealing outcome). Instead, the focus should be on sending an unmistakable signal to ⁢both political parties and‌ the media about how many voters feel alienated and are open to alternatives in future elections if they shift away from extreme ideologies.

Additionally, encouraging millions of citizens who might‍ otherwise abstain from voting due to frustration can help mitigate radicalism within our political ⁤landscape. ⁤The stakes‍ are high; numerous Senate seats hang in the balance during close races where turnout can significantly influence⁢ results.

Currently,⁢ those who refrain from voting or resort only to write-ins tend predominantly toward conservative viewpoints. Many left-leaning individuals have rallied ⁣around Vice President Kamala Harris as opposed to Trump. ‌The demographic unwillingness among right-leaning constituents largely⁣ stems from their reluctance towards far-left policies while finding Trump’s unpredictability concerning enough not to support him outright. Should ⁣they decide against voting entirely,​ they may still lean Republican down-ballot.

However, if Trump’s popularity⁤ wanes significantly—leading ⁤many Republicans and independents alike believing ⁢Harris is likely headed⁢ for victory—a ⁤Republican-controlled Senate​ becomes crucial as it stands between her radical agenda and legislative reality. Without GOP control over the Senate majority, Democrats could eliminate procedural safeguards like the filibuster while pushing through ‌sweeping reforms including tax⁢ increases and⁤ healthcare nationalization—all potentially leading toward intrusive regulations affecting everyday life.

To motivate right-leaning non-Trump supporters into participating at⁤ polls rather than remaining apathetic at home requires offering them specific options such as viable write-in ‍candidates.

Moreover, there ‍exists potential for well-organized​ campaigns yielding surprising results; even underdog candidates have previously garnered notable ⁣percentages in state elections—Evan McMullin received nearly 22% of votes in Utah back in 2016 alone! States like Utah again⁤ along with Maine or New Hampshire present opportunities where strategic​ third-party efforts⁤ could disrupt traditional party dynamics by forcing electoral decisions into Congress’s hands—a situation which might empower those representing disenfranchised voters seeking reformative change within Washington D.C.’s corridors of power.

Regardless of ⁤outcome possibilities surrounding this movement gaining traction among millions dissatisfied​ with current choices—it’s essential we recognize its significance: garnering upwards ‍towards twenty million votes would undoubtedly ⁢capture immediate attention across all levels ⁤within American politics today!

So how do we make this happen? It hinges upon witnessing noticeable declines within Trump’s poll standings moving forward; thus prompting organized efforts aimed directly at ⁤attracting those who’ve distanced themselves post-debate alongside others already committed against ‍supporting either major⁢ party ticket altogether! ​As momentum builds around new candidates ‍emerging amidst shifting voter sentiments—the opportunity arises wherein centrists hesitant about backing Harris may find themselves gravitating ‍towards alternative options instead!

This​ isn’t merely wishful ⁤thinking; history shows us rapid movements can emerge unexpectedly when resonating messages strike chords amongst broader audiences—as evidenced by Ross Perot’s meteoric rise during his independent run back in ’92!

The pressing question then becomes: Who fits this bill? For our purposes here today—the ‍ideal candidate needn’t actively campaign but must possess recognizable qualifications capable enough steering governance effectively while appealing broadly across diverse segments without leaning too far left nor right politically speaking!

One possible ​figure worth considering is Jamie Dimon—the CEO behind ⁣JPMorgan Chase known widely throughout business circles—not necessarily my​ top pick philosophically—but undeniably⁢ competent managerial skills combined with centrist appeal make him intriguing⁣ nonetheless! Over two decades he has navigated shifting political landscapes—from liberal leanings early ⁤on transitioning gradually toward more moderate stances advocating pro-business initiatives recently seen supporting figures like Nikki⁣ Haley too!

Ultimately though Dimon serves merely illustrative purposes here—we’re casting calls out there searching credible ⁤contenders willing step forth into arenas deemed almost unwinnable yet ⁢vital long-term ⁢preservation efforts needed safeguarding democracy itself until someone⁢ emerges⁤ ready take charge… So ⁢unless you‌ prefer writing down your⁢ favorite author named ​Hillyer—you’d better learn how ⁢spell “Dimon”‍ correctly because come election ⁢day—it ‌just might matter​ more than ever before!

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