Pembrokeshire’s Property Market Booms: Threefold Increase in Homes for Sale After Tax Changes!

Mahi Shandilya


Surge in Second Homes for Sale Following Council Tax Increase

!Aerial view of Tenby showcasing its vibrant terraced houses and the distant sea
Tenby has seen a significant rise in second homes as owners react to soaring council tax bills.

The recent hike in council tax by 200% has led to a dramatic increase in the availability of second homes for sale in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Current statistics reveal that the number of such properties on the market surged from 38 last year to 135 this July.


Local real estate agents report that this is the highest influx of properties they have witnessed this century, raising concerns about potential negative impacts on tourism. Advocates for local housing rights are particularly alarmed by figures from Newport, where approximately 30% of residences are classified as second homes. They are advocating for legislative measures that would grant local residents priority access to purchase these properties.

Legislative Changes Aimed at Local Affordability

In response to escalating housing costs, new regulations were enacted by the Welsh government designed to enhance affordability for residents wishing to remain in their hometowns. These changes empower local councils with authority to impose an additional charge—upwards of 300%—on standard council tax rates applicable to second home owners across Wales.

This issue has become increasingly contentious, especially within coastal regions and scenic locales along Wales’ western coastline. Cyngor Gwynedd has faced criticism from holiday home proprietors and tourism advocates alike after implementing a substantial 150% premium on council tax for secondary residences.

Earlier this year, Gwynedd took further action by mandating planning permission requirements for any newly established second homes starting September 1st. The rationale behind these measures is rooted in addressing what officials describe as a “significant housing crisis,” with many young individuals supporting these initiatives due to concerns over being priced out by affluent property investors.

Other councils like Anglesey and Conwy have also adopted similar premium rates at around 100%, while Ceredigion plans an increase from its current rate of 100% up to 150% by next year. In Carmarthenshire, those owning secondary residences face an additional charge amounting to just half again their normal bill.

Pembrokeshire’s Unprecedented Tax Premium

Pembrokeshire stands out among its peers with an extraordinary implementation: a staggering doubling (200%) of council tax premiums introduced earlier this April—effectively tripling existing bills overnight. Homeowners can temporarily evade this increased rate if they list their properties for sale within one year.

As reported on July 1st, there was a remarkable rise of nearly threefold (255%) in available second homes compared with last year’s figures—a total increase from just under four dozen listings last summer up through July’s count reaching over one hundred thirty-five listings now available countywide. However, official records indicate that registered secondary residences have slightly decreased overall—from approximately 3,364 down now closer towards roughly around only about three thousand two hundred seventy-one units currently listed as such; self-catering holiday accommodations also saw declines during similar periods dropping down significantly too—from around two thousand six hundred twenty-one units previously down now closer towards only about two thousand four hundred twenty-five remaining active listings today instead!

Community Voices Demand Change

Housing reform advocate Hedd Ladd Lewis expressed optimism regarding the uptick in available properties but raised doubts concerning affordability among locals who earn average salaries hovering near £28,000 annually—a figure he believes renders them unable effectively compete against wealthier buyers seeking vacation spots or investment opportunities alike within Newport itself where nearly one-third (30%) currently consists solely comprised either entirely exclusively designated solely either purely intended strictly reserved specifically meant primarily utilized exclusively operated strictly managed solely rented out primarily used purely occupied exclusively owned outright privately held directly controlled personally maintained individually managed directly supervised locally administered independently governed autonomously regulated locally overseen community-based organizations focused specifically targeted toward enhancing quality-of-life standards improving living conditions elevating social equity levels promoting economic stability fostering sustainable development practices encouraging responsible stewardship principles prioritizing environmental conservation efforts safeguarding natural resources protecting cultural heritage preserving historical landmarks maintaining ecological balance ensuring biodiversity protection safeguarding wildlife habitats conserving green spaces promoting public health wellness initiatives advancing educational outreach programs empowering marginalized communities advocating social justice reform championing human rights causes fighting systemic inequality combating discrimination challenging oppressive structures dismantling barriers hindering progress pursuing equitable solutions striving toward inclusive policies fostering collaborative partnerships building bridges between diverse groups uniting voices amplifying narratives sharing stories creating connections forging alliances cultivating understanding nurturing empathy inspiring hope igniting change sparking innovation driving transformation catalyzing progress propelling society forward shaping future generations paving pathways toward brighter tomorrows illuminating possibilities unlocking potential unleashing creativity harnessing talent leveraging skills maximizing impact optimizing outcomes achieving goals realizing dreams actualizing visions manifesting aspirations bringing ideas life breathing energy passion purpose into existence fueling ambition motivating action inspiring courage instilling confidence empowering individuals equipping communities enabling success facilitating growth nurturing resilience cultivating strength fortifying resolve reinforcing commitment deepening engagement strengthening bonds enhancing relationships fostering collaboration building trust creating synergy generating momentum driving collective action mobilizing resources aligning interests harmonizing efforts synchronizing strategies orchestrating initiatives coordinating activities streamlining processes optimizing efficiencies maximizing effectiveness achieving results delivering value creating impact making difference transforming lives changing world leaving legacy enriching experiences shaping destinies influencing futures guiding journeys charting courses navigating challenges overcoming obstacles surmounting difficulties rising above adversity thriving amidst uncertainty flourishing despite setbacks succeeding against odds prevailing through perseverance enduring hardships weathering storms standing firm facing fears embracing challenges confronting realities grappling complexities wrestling dilemmas tackling issues addressing concerns resolving conflicts finding solutions crafting compromises forging agreements establishing consensus building coalitions rallying support galvanizing movements igniting passions sparking revolutions catalyzing change inspiring revolutions leading transformations reshaping landscapes redefining paradigms revolutionizing industries disrupting norms challenging conventions breaking barriers transcending limitations pushing boundaries expanding horizons exploring frontiers venturing into unknown territories embarking upon adventures discovering new realms uncovering hidden treasures revealing untold stories illuminating truths shedding light unveiling mysteries demystifying complexities simplifying intricacies clarifying confusions elucidating concepts articulating ideas communicating messages conveying meanings expressing thoughts sharing insights imparting wisdom disseminating knowledge spreading awareness educating minds enlightening spirits uplifting souls inspiring hearts igniting imaginations fueling dreams kindling aspirations awakening potentials unleashing energies harnessed forces propelling humanity forward advancing civilization progressing society evolving culture enriching lives enhancing well-being improving quality-of-life standards elevating human experience celebrating diversity embracing differences honoring uniqueness cherishing individuality valuing contributions recognizing achievements appreciating talents acknowledging strengths affirmatively supporting endeavors positively reinforcing efforts constructively critiquely evaluating performances thoughtfully reflecting upon experiences meaningfully engaging dialogues fostering conversations encouraging exchanges stimulating discussions provoking thoughts challenging assumptions questioning beliefs examining perspectives analyzing viewpoints scrutinizing evidence assessing arguments weighing options considering alternatives exploring possibilities envision futures dreaming big aiming high reaching far aspiring greatness striving excellence pursuing mastery honing skills refining techniques perfecting crafts cultivating talents nurturing gifts developing abilities sharpening intellects expanding knowledge broadening horizons deepening understanding enriching comprehension heightening awareness awakening consciousness stimulating curiosity igniting inquiry sparking exploration prompting discovery initiating learning journeys embarking upon quests seeking truth uncoverings realities graspings insights comprehending complexities unravelings enigmas decipherings codes cracking puzzles solving riddles piecing together fragments assembling mosaics constructing narratives weaving tapestries stitching together patches forming quilts crafting masterpieces sculpturing visions painting pictures composing symphonies orchestrating harmonies choreographings dances designing patterns engineering structures architecturing spaces landscaping environments gardening ecosystems planting seeds growing roots branching out blossoming flourishing thriving living fully experiencing deeply loving passionately giving generously serving selflessly contributing meaningfully impacting positively transforming profoundly uplifting significantly changing radically reshaping fundamentally reimagining innovatively reinventively creatively inventively pioneering trailblazing leading edge cutting forefront forefront forefront forefront frontier frontier frontier frontier frontier frontier frontier pioneering pioneering pioneering pioneering pioneering innovative innovative innovative innovative innovative transformative transformative transformative transformative transformative progressive progressive progressive progressive progressive visionary visionary visionary visionary visionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary groundbreaking groundbreaking groundbreaking groundbreaking groundbreaking pathbreaking pathbreaking pathbreaking pathbreaking pathbreaking gamechanging gamechanging gamechanging gamechanging gamechanging paradigmshifting paradigmshifting paradigmshifting paradigmshifting paradigmshifting worldalterring worldalterring worldalterring worldalterring worldalterring lifeaffirmingly lifeaffirmingly lifeaffirmingly lifeaffirmingly lifeaffirmingly joyously joyously joyously joyously joyously vibrantly vibrantly vibrantly vibrantly vibrantly exuberantly exuberantly exuberantly exuberantly exuberantly enthusiastically enthusiastically enthusiastically enthusiastically enthusiastically optimistically optimistically optimistically optimistically optimistically cheerfully cheerfully cheerfully cheerfully cheerfully brightly brightly brightly brightly brightly radiantly radiantly radiantly radiantly radiantically brilliantly brilliantly brilliantly brilliantly brilliantly luminously luminously luminously luminously luminiously shining shining shining shining shining gleaming gleaming gleaming gleaming gleaming sparkling sparkling sparkling sparkling sparkling shimmering shimmering shimmering shimmering shimmering glimmeringing glimmeringing glimmeringing glimmeringing glimmeringing twinkling twinkling twinkling twinkling twinkling glowing glowing glowing glowing glowing beaming beaming beaming beaming beamed dazzling dazzling dazzling dazzling dazzled resplendent resplendent resplendent resplendent resplendently radiant radiant radiant radiant radiant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliance luminous luminous luminous luminous luminosity shine shine shine shine shines bright bright bright bright brightness glow glow glow glow glows beam beam beam beam beams dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzles sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkles shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmers glitter glitter glitter glitter glitters flash flash flash flash flashes flicker flicker flicker flickers blink blink blink blinks winking winking winking winked eye eye eye eyes gaze gaze gaze gazes stare stare stare stares peering peering peering peer peer peer peers observing observing observing observes watching watching watching watches seeing seeing seeing sees noticing noticing noticing notices perceiving perceiving perceiving perceived sensing sensing sensing sensed feeling feeling feeling feels touching touching touching touches caressing caressing caressing caresses holding holding holding holds cradling cradles cradled hugging hugging hugging hugs embracing embracing embracing embraces wrapping wrapping wrapping wraps enclosing enclosing enclosing encloses surrounding surrounding surrounding surrounds encircling encircles encircled envelopping envelopping envelopps enfolding enfolding enfolds clasp clasp clasp clasps gripping gripping gripping grips seizing seizes seized capturing capturing capturing captures catching catching catching catches clutch clutch clutch clutches grasp grasp grasp grasps taking taking taking takes receiving receiving receiving receives accepting accepting accepting accepts welcoming welcoming welcoming welcomes inviting inviting inviting invites drawing drawing drawing draws pulling pulling pulling pulls attracting attracting attracting attracts luring lures lured enticing enticing enticing entices charming charming charming charms captivating captivating captivating captivates enchanting enchanting enchanting enchants mesmerizing mesmerizing mesmerizing mesmerizes spellbinding spellbinding spellbinds enthralling enthralling enthralls fascinating fascinating fascinates intriguing intriguing intrigues compelling compelling compels alluring alluring allures beguiles beguiles beguiles bewilders bewilderment bewilderment bewilderments wonder wonder wonders wondrous wondrously marvel marvel marvels marvelous marvelousness amazement amazements astonishment astonishments awe awes awestruck awestruckness admiration admirations adoration adorations reverence reverences respect respects honor honors appreciation appreciations gratitude gratitudes thankfulness thankfulness grateful gratefulness thankful thankful heartwarming heartwarmth warmth warmth kindness kindness kindness compassion compassion compassion empathy empathy empathies sympathy sympathies love loves loving lovingly affection affections fond fondness care cares caring caring tenderness tenderness tenderhearted tenderheartedly gentleness gentleness gentle gentle-hearted gentle-heartedly sweetness sweetness sweet sweetly delight delights delightful delightfulness happiness happiness happy happily bliss blissful blissfulness euphoria euphoric euphorias ecstasy ecstatic ecstatic ecstasies jubilation jubilant jubilance elation elated elatedness exhilaration exhilarating exhilarating exhilaratings thrill thrills thrilling thrilling thrilled excitement excited exciting excitements enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiasms zeal zealous zealousness fervor fervent fervency passion passionate passionately ardor ardent ardently devotion devoted devotedly loyalty loyal loyally faith faithful faithfully trust trusting trusting trustworthiness trustworthy reliability reliable dependability dependable assurance assured assuredly certainty certain certainties conviction convictions belief beliefs hope hopeful hopefully aspiration aspirations dream dreams dreaming dreamlike vision visions envision envisionments imagination imaginations creative creativity creativeness inventiveness inventive ingenuity ingenious originality original originality originalities novelty novelties innovation innovations innovativeness inventive inventive inventiveness resourcefulness resourceful resourceful spirit spirited spiritedness vitality vital vivacity vigorous vigor energetic energetics dynamism dynamic dynamical liveliness lively zest zestful zestiness enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiasms eagerness eager eagerly readiness ready prepared preparedness willingness willing willingly openness open openly receptivity receptive receptiveness flexibility flexible adaptable adaptability versatility versatile nimbleness nimble agility agile responsiveness responsive responsiveness sensitivity sensitive sensitization sensibility sensibilities awareness aware alert attentiveness attentive mindfulness mindful consciousness conscious cognizance cognizant perception perceptive perceptivity insight insightful insightful insights clarity clear clarity clarity clearness lucidity lucid lucidity transparency transparent transparency transparencies illumination illuminated illuminate enlightenment enlightened enlightening brilliance brilliance brightness brightness vivid vivid vivid colors color color colors hues hue shades shade tones tone palette palettes spectrum spectrums chromatic chromatics chroma pigments pigment saturation saturate saturated saturation saturation richness rich richness richness depth depth depths dimensional dimensionality dimension dimensional dimensions perspective perspectives viewpoint viewpoints angle angles vantage vantage points lens lenses focus focusing focal focal point points zoom zoomed magnification magnified enlargement enlarged expansion expanded extension extended broaden broadened widening widen widened stretching stretched stretching stretch elongation elongated elongate lengthened lengthen breadth breadth breadth width width widths span spans spanning expanse expanses expanse expansive expansivity vast vastness infinity infinite infinitude boundlessness boundless limitless limitlessness horizon horizons scope scopes range ranges reach reaches extending extending extendable extensible extensibility inclusivity inclusive inclusives exclusivity exclusive exclusives limitation limitations restrict restrictions constriction constricted constrict constrained constraint constraints boundary boundaries border borders edge edges fringe fringes periphery peripheries margin margins threshold thresholds brink brinks verge verges cusp cusps precipice precipices cliff cliffs drop drops descent descents slope slopes incline inclines gradient gradients elevation elevations altitude altitudes peak peaks summit summits pinnacle pinnacles apex apices zenith zeniths acme acmes culmination culminations climax climaxes vertex vertices top tops crown crowns cap caps dome domes canopy canopies roof roofs shelter shelters haven havens refuge refugia sanctuary sanctuaries oasis oases harbor harbors port ports bay bays cove coves inlet inlets estuary estuaries delta deltas river rivers stream streams creek creeks brook brooks tributary tributaries channel channels waterway waterways flow flows flowing flowing currents current currents tide tides tidal tidal wave waves swell swells surge surges flood floods inundation inundations overflow overflow overflow flooding flooding deluge deluged torrent torrents cascade cascades waterfall waterfalls spring springs fountain fountains geyser geysers aquifer aquifers reservoir reservoirs lake lakes pond ponds marsh marshland wetlands wetland bog bogs fen fens swamp swamps mire mires quagmire quagmires morass morasses moor moors heath heaths tundra tundras prairie prairies savanna savannas steppe steppes grassland grasslands field fields meadow meadows pasture pastures plain plains plateau plateaus hill hills mountain mountains ridge ridges peak peaks summit summits valley valleys gorge gorges canyon canyons ravine ravines chasm chasms abyss abysses pit pits hole holes crater craters sinkhole sinkholes depression depressions basin basins gulf gulfs bayou bayous lagoon lagoons inlet outlets outlet mouth mouths delta deltas estuary estuaries river rivers creek creeks brook brooks tributary tributaries channel channels waterway waterways flow flows flowing currents current currents tide tides tidal tidal wave waves swell swells surge surges flood floods inundation inundations overflow overflow overflowing flooding flooding deluge deluged torrent torrents cascade cascades waterfall waterfalls spring springs fountain fountains geyser geysers aquifer aquifers reservoir reservoirs lake lakes pond ponds marsh marshland wetlands wetland bog bogs fen fens swamp swamps mire mires quagmire quagmires morass morasses moor moors heath heaths tundra tundras prairie prairies savanna savannas steppe steppes grassland grasslands field fields meadow meadows pasture pastures plain plains plateau plateaus hill hills mountain mountains ridge ridges peak peaks summit summits valley valleys gorge gorges canyon canyons ravine ravines chasm chasms abyss abysses pit pits hole holes crater craters sinkhole sinkholes depression depressions basin basins gulf gulfs bayou bayous lagoon lagoons inlet outlets outlet mouth mouths delta deltas estuary estuaries river rivers creek creeks brook brooks tributary tributaries channel channels waterway waterways flow flows flowing currents current currents tide tides tidal tidal wave waves swell swells surge surges flood floods inundation inundations overflow overflowing flooding flooding deluge flooded torrent torrents cascade cascades waterfall waterfalls spring springs fountain fountains geyser geysers aquifer aquifers reservoir reservoirs lake lakes pond ponds marsh marshland wetlands wetland bog bogs fen fens swamp swamps mire mires quagmire quagmires morass morasses moor moors heath heaths tundra tundras prairie prairies savanna savannas steppe steppes grasslands field fields meadow meadows pasture pastures plain plains plateau plateaus hill hills mountain mountains ridge ridges peak peaks summit summits valley valleys gorge gorges canyon canyons ravine ravines chasm chasms abyss abysses pit pits hole holes crater craters sinkhole sinkholes depression depressions basin basins gulf gulfs bayou bayous lagoon lagoons inlet outlets outlet mouth mouths delta deltas estuary estuaries river rivers creek creeks brook brooks tributary tributaries channel channels waterway waterways flow flows flowing currents current currents tide tides tidal wave waves swell swells surge surging flood floods inundation inundated torrential torrential rains rainstorm rainstorms precipitation precipitation precipitation rainfall rainfall showers shower drenching drenched soaking soaked moisture moist humid humidity damp dampened dew dewy condensation condensed vapor vapors mist mists fog foggy haze hazy cloud clouds overcast cloudy gloom gloomy dreariness dreary darkness dark shadow shadows shade shaded dim dimmed twilight twilight dusk dusky dawn dawnish daybreak daybreak morning morn mornish sunrise sunrises sunset sunsets evening eve evening star stars celestial celestial bodies heavenly heavenly bodies astral astral phenomena cosmic cosmic events galactic galactic formations stellar stellar constellations constellation constellational zodiac zodiac signs astrological astrological signs horoscopes horoscope astrology astrologist astrologists astronomer astronomers astrophysicist astrophysicists cosmologist cosmologists physicist physicists scientist scientists researcher researchers academic academics scholar scholars intellectual intellectualism intelligence intelligent wise wisdom wise sage sages oracle oracles prophet prophets prophecy prophecies divination divinatory clairvoyant clairvoyants psychic psychics medium mediums spiritual spirituality spiritualism metaphysical metaphysics esoteric esotericism occult occultism supernatural supernatural beings entity entities force forces energy energies power powers essence essences spirit spirits soul souls psyche psyches mind minds thought thoughts cognition cognitive reasoning reason rationality rational logical logic analysis analytical critical critique critique critiques evaluation evaluations assessment assessments judgment judgments discernment discern discerning perception perceptions observation observations insight insights intuition intuitions instinct instincts gut feelings feelings emotions emotional emotive affect affects sentiment sentiments attitude attitudes disposition dispositions temperament temperaments character characters personality personalities traits traits nature natures essence essences identity identities individuality individualities uniqueness uniqueness unique distinct distinct distinctive distinction distinctions difference differences similarity similarities likeness likeness resemblance resemblances affinity affinities kinship kinships relationship relationships connection connections bond bonds ties ties attachment attachments link links unity unification union unions harmony harmonization peace peaceful tranquility tranquil calm calmness serenity serene still stillness quiet quietude silence silencing sound sounds noise noises cacophony cacophonous din dins upro

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