Shocking Verdict: Gwent Police Officer Found Guilty of Child Sexual Abuse

Priyanshu Kotapalli


Police Officer Convicted of Sexual Abuse Against Minor

A police officer from Gwent has been convicted of sexually abusing a girl under the age of 13.


John Stringer, aged 42 and residing in Cardiff, displayed visible emotion as he was found guilty on five counts related to sexual misconduct. The charges included two instances of sexual assault through inappropriate touching and one count involving the incitement of a child to engage in sexual activities.

The jury at Cardiff Crown Court also determined that Stringer was guilty of causing or inciting a child to participate in sexual acts and compelling her to witness explicit content, with a majority verdict of 10-2. Following the verdict, Stringer was taken into custody and is scheduled for sentencing on October 28.

Details Surrounding the Offenses

The offenses occurred between December 2019 and July 2021 while Stringer was off-duty. His arrest followed revelations made by the victim—whose identity remains confidential due to legal protections—to a teaching assistant at her school.

Evidence presented during the trial indicated that Stringer had engaged in inappropriate behavior with the girl, who he knew personally. He reportedly touched her under a blanket without consent, showed her pornographic material, and coerced her into mimicking what she had seen.

In interviews with law enforcement officials, the young victim expressed feelings of discomfort regarding Stringer’s actions. She recounted how his unwanted touching made her feel “wrong” and mentioned that he threatened repercussions if she disclosed their interactions to anyone: “You would get into trouble… it would all be my fault.” She further described feeling “very uncomfortable” when exposed to pornography.

The court learned there was an interruption in this abusive behavior due to COVID-19 lockdowns; however, it resumed once restrictions were lifted.

Stringer’s Disturbing Online Behavior

During proceedings, it came to light that Stringer frequently viewed pornography online; analysis revealed that approximately one out of every five searches conducted on his iPhone over five years involved explicit content. Additionally, he accessed various articles discussing how masturbation could affect stress levels as well as mental health aspects like anxiety and sleep patterns.

Stringer claimed he had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder which prompted him to investigate whether self-stimulation might alleviate some symptoms. He allegedly misled his victim by suggesting that self-touching could help calm her down or assist with sleep issues.

Prosecutor Ian Wright accused him of fabricating evidence during testimony: “You are making it up as you go along,” Wright stated during cross-examination.

Background Information on John Stringer

Suspended from duty following these allegations against him, John Stringer joined Gwent Police in 2010 after serving for over fourteen years without incident prior to this case. Character references submitted during trial painted him as “caring,” “trustworthy,” and “honest.”

In August 2023, jurors at his initial trial were unable to reach a unanimous decision; however this time around—a jury composed of nine men and three women—deliberated for just under seven hours before convicting him on all charges presented against him.

Judge Daniel Williams denied bail following conviction remarks indicating imprisonment awaited: “You will be going behind bars for your actions.”

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