Utah Mom’s Heart Attack on Treadmill: A Powerful Reminder to Trust Your Body!

Sneha Gogoi


A Life-Altering ‌Experience: Justine Carter’s Journey with SCAD

In May, Justine ​Carter, a 33-year-old mother from Utah, ⁣embarked on ⁣what she thought would be a routine workout on her treadmill.‌ Little⁢ did she ⁣know that ⁢this seemingly ⁤ordinary decision would lead to a life-threatening medical emergency.


The ⁣Start​ of an Unforeseen Crisis

Carter‍ was in⁣ good health and felt fit as she began her exercise session. However, just 12 minutes ⁢into her⁢ walk, she experienced alarming symptoms: shortness of breath ‌and severe pain ⁢radiating from her back to her chest. Initially attributing⁤ these sensations to a‍ severe stomach virus, Carter soon⁣ found herself violently vomiting.

“That’s where things get a little bit⁣ hazy,” she recounted during⁣ an interview.

In‍ the midst of this distressing episode, Carter managed to contact both her husband ​and mother-in-law but has no memory of those conversations. The next thing she recalls is waking⁣ up in the⁤ hospital.

A Race Against Time

Her husband and⁤ mother-in-law discovered her unresponsive in the bathroom; it appeared that Carter was having seizures accompanied by dangerously slow breathing. Teresa Carter, who works as a ​nurse at HCA Healthcare’s Mountain View Hospital in Payson,⁣ Utah, performed CPR‍ until⁤ emergency medical services arrived ⁤on the scene.

For 25⁢ critical minutes without any heartbeat or‌ blood circulation—only sustained through CPR—Carter’s life hung in the balance.

“Everything was pretty ominous,”​ Teresa shared about those tense ‌moments before⁣ help arrived.

Upon reaching HCA Healthcare’s Mountain View⁤ Hospital, ‌doctors ⁤confirmed that Justine​ had⁣ suffered from spontaneous coronary artery‌ dissection (SCAD), which involves tearing within the wall of a coronary artery leading⁤ to potential heart attacks or even sudden ⁢death if not treated promptly.

Understanding Spontaneous⁣ Coronary Artery‍ Dissection (SCAD)

SCAD⁤ is still shrouded in mystery; its⁣ exact causes remain ‍unknown. Most individuals affected by this condition are‍ typically women aged between their 40s and 50s who ‍otherwise lead healthy lives according to data from the American ⁢Heart Association (AHA).

“Patients are often women who are otherwise healthy,” noted Dr. Mark Bair, medical ⁢director at HCA Healthcare’s Mountain View Hospital and one of Justine’s treating physicians during this crisis.

While there isn’t one definitive cause for SCAD identified yet, researchers ⁤suggest it may arise due to various factors ⁢including arterial abnormalities or genetic predispositions combined with hormonal influences or⁢ inflammatory ​conditions affecting ​blood vessels.

Dr. Bair emphasized that many SCAD⁤ patients exhibit few ⁢or no traditional risk factors associated with heart disease at all—a⁣ fact mirrored by Justine’s case prior to this incident.

Potential Risk ‌Factors ⁤for ⁢SCAD

Although many patients appear healthy before ‌experiencing SCAD episodes like Justine did—extreme physical exertion coupled ⁤with emotional stress‌ can act as triggers for some individuals facing similar situations. Other contributing elements may include fibromuscular dysplasia—a condition impacting⁣ arterial blood vessels—as well as genetic connective tissue disorders and significantly elevated blood pressure levels.

Justine’s story serves as an important reminder about ⁣cardiovascular health awareness among younger populations who might not consider themselves at risk due solely to their age or fitness level alone.

As more​ research unfolds regarding conditions like SCAD—which remains ⁤relatively rare yet potentially devastating—it becomes increasingly vital for both healthcare professionals⁣ and patients alike to stay informed about emerging symptoms indicative ‌of⁤ serious underlying issues​ such as these.

Through education ‍surrounding such ⁤topics ⁣alongside ‍proactive ​measures taken towards maintaining overall wellness—we can​ work together towards reducing instances⁢ where lives ⁣hang precariously close between survival‌ versus tragedy due simply because we overlooked warning signs along our journeys through life!Carter’s Journey: A Heartfelt ‍Recovery⁣ Story

Understanding the Signs of Heart Health

Justine⁣ Carter experienced no ⁣alarming symptoms prior to her heart attack. Reflecting on that day, she remarked, “I felt unusually fatigued and out of sorts, but I attributed it to the dreary winter weather.”

However, ​just ‌a week after her initial heart attack and​ on​ the very day ‍she was discharged ⁣from‌ the hospital, Carter faced another serious cardiac incident. This time, she suffered from chest pain accompanied by intense ‌nausea and critically low blood pressure.

A Life-Saving Response

Upon experiencing ‌these distressing symptoms again, Carter was airlifted to HCA Healthcare’s Timpanogos Regional ‍Hospital. ⁢This facility is equipped with⁤ a comprehensive catheterization lab and has cardiothoracic surgeons available for potential open-heart surgery.

The medical team discovered that ⁤an existing tear in her aorta‍ had ⁢expanded significantly, leading to increased swelling and yet another⁤ blockage. “When Justine arrived at the hospital,” her mother-in-law Teresa recalled with concern, “her blood pressure was alarmingly low. I genuinely feared ⁣we ⁢might⁣ lose her.”

To restore proper blood ​flow through her arteries, doctors ⁣utilized a‍ balloon⁤ technique‌ to⁤ compress the wound in her artery before implanting a small heart pump designed to ease some of the ⁢strain on Carter’s heart ⁤during recovery.

A Remarkable Recovery Journey

Today, Justine is back home ​and gradually regaining strength each day.⁢ Her cardiologist expressed optimism about ‍her prognosis due to effective care⁢ strategies being implemented post-incident.

Initially worried about possible neurological ​damage due to 25 minutes without oxygen reaching Justine’s brain‍ when ‌she first arrived at Mountain View⁢ Hospital’s emergency room, Dr. Bair later confirmed ‍that thanks to timely interventions both⁤ in transit and ​at the hospital level—her‍ recovery has⁣ been nothing short of remarkable.

Carter credits not only medical ⁤professionals but also‌ life-saving actions ⁤taken by Teresa who performed CPR immediately after witnessing Justine collapse—a ⁣critical factor contributing significantly‌ towards‍ saving her‌ life.

After completing cardiac rehabilitation therapy‌ successfully, Carter can now ⁢enjoy‍ walks with her dog; however she’s still⁤ awaiting clearance ⁣for more vigorous activities ​like running or hiking.

“During those first‍ two⁤ weeks post-recovery,” ⁣she shared ​candidly about feeling drained initially but noted how quickly things improved thereafter: “Now I can manage my entire day without needing any rest.”

Regular Check-Ups are Essential

Every three months since then have seen Carter visiting her cardiologist for routine evaluations ensuring everything remains stable with ⁤respect to heart ⁤function.

While Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) cannot be predicted or⁢ prevented ⁤outright according Dr.Bair ‌emphasized maintaining healthy lifestyle​ choices such as adhering strictly towards balanced nutrition plans rich in whole foods while engaging regularly within moderate physical ​activity levels alongside‍ stress⁣ management techniques will go ⁣far into reducing overall⁤ risk factors associated with‍ cardiovascular diseases‍ including⁤ hypertension ⁢issues too!

Additionally he highlighted quality sleep ‌patterns along regular physician consultations as ‌vital components necessary towards achieving optimal health outcomes;⁢ tobacco‍ use remains one ⁤preventable risk factor which should never be overlooked either!

Valuable Lessons Learned Through Adversity

Carter describes these harrowing experiences as transformative moments⁢ leading up toward newfound insights regarding personal ‍well-being:

  1. Prioritize Your Health

“As ⁤women often do,” she reflected thoughtfully “we tend prioritize others’ ⁢needs over our own.” ⁣It’s crucial⁣ instead we acknowledge our feelings honestly while taking proactive ‌steps toward addressing them accordingly!Carter’s‌ Journey: Embracing Life After Heart Attacks

Understanding the​ Importance of Self-Care

After experiencing heart attacks, Carter has come ‌to appreciate the necessity of slowing down and allowing⁤ others to assist her. “If I’m feeling fatigued, ‌I simply step⁤ back,” ​she shared. This newfound perspective‍ emphasizes the significance of recognizing one’s‍ limits and prioritizing health.

Heeding⁢ Warning Signs

Carter advises ⁣individuals not to ignore any unusual‍ sensations in ⁤their bodies. ⁢”If something ⁢feels off, don’t hesitate,” ‍she urged. “Call 911 immediately; ‍many conditions can be averted ‌with⁤ prompt action.” Baid echoed this⁤ sentiment, highlighting the need for awareness‍ regarding new ⁤or unusual symptoms such as chest discomfort,⁢ unexpected shortness⁣ of breath, or ‍severe weakness and dizziness.

Essential Skills for Emergencies

The ability to perform CPR is crucial in emergency situations⁢ until professional medical help arrives. Justine and ‌Teresa Carter both emphasized this point.

“Even those without a medical ⁤background can ⁢benefit ⁢from knowing CPR,” Teresa noted. “This⁤ skill could⁣ enable you ⁢to save someone ​dear to you.”

Living Without Fear

While ⁤SCAD (Spontaneous Coronary Artery⁤ Dissection) events are often unpredictable and unavoidable, ⁢Carter chooses not to let fear dictate‌ her life choices.​ She stated emphatically, ⁢”Living in constant ⁢fear diminishes your enjoyment of life.”

“You‌ might find yourself anxious about ‌various aspects‍ of life; however, if you allow‍ fear to dominate your daily​ existence, ⁤you’ll ​miss out on life’s joys,” ⁢she reflected.⁣ Recognizing that life‌ is both fragile and fleeting encourages her to embrace each moment fully.

Gratitude for Medical​ Support

Carter expressed deep appreciation for the healthcare professionals at HCA Healthcare⁢ Mountain View Hospital who⁣ played a pivotal role in her ⁤recovery journey. “I owe my well-being to them,”‌ she remarked gratefully.

embracing self-care practices while ⁢remaining vigilant about⁤ health⁢ signals can significantly impact one’s quality of life after experiencing serious health events like heart attacks. By learning⁢ essential ‍skills such as CPR and choosing not ​to live in fear despite uncertainties like SCAD occurrences, individuals can lead fulfilling lives enriched by gratitude and awareness.

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